Go to bed an hour or so before you want to sleep.
have some quiet music that will help you relax playing in the back ground.
Read a few pages of a book to help clear your head of the days stress's and strains.
Have the lights low so you can rest your eyes.
Burn a little Lavender oil to help aid sleep and with added healing propties.
Keep a window open to let fresh air in, as you fall asleep your warming up, so try and lower your body temp before you try to sleep.
Have the room as clutter free as possible.
Try and clear your mind before trying to sleep. Try not to consentrate one on thing, just relax and let the days events float away. You could try meditation or breathing techniques. This also means no stimulation for a few hours before you intend to go to bed.
Keep some lavender massage oil handy for twitchy achy muscles.
Turn mobile and land line phones off so you wont be interupted.
Keep a glass of water by your bed.
If you havent slept in twenty mins get up, go down stairs and do twenty mins of house work.
Getting up seems to be a very important part of a good sleep pattern. Try and get up at the same time every day. No matter how late you went to bed or how tiered you are... choose a time (say 9am) and stick to it!
Have a dessert spoon of hunny before going to bed, apparently it can take a few nights to kick in, but it really works!